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How and Why
I recently got a review for our “High Performance MySQL” book which was saying “What makes this book so...
Taxes in Virtual World
I heard Obama on the news today about closing tax loopholes for international taxes, which make me thinking about...
Percona Vision: Employees
At Percona a lot of vision aspects come from what we as a founders and later as a team...
Employment Security at big companies
A year ago I’ve been discussing with some people how unsafe and unsecure is working with small companies like...
What does “I Can’t” really mean
What does it really means if someone tells he can’t do something ?   This is surely the popular excurse...
What about technical advances
On the same topic I watched the nice lection by Dr. Albert A. Bartlett on Arithmetic Population And Energy.   As usually...
On Exponential growth
I’ve recently watched couple of videos on youtube –  Chris Martensons “Crash Course” and another one focused on oil production in particular. These...
Dual License Open Source challenges
I was thinking about how  MySQL compares to  PostgreSQL/EnterpriseDB in terms of business advantages.     Sun owns  MySQL source code...