How I Fly
I fly a fair amount – both for business and for pleasure, domestically (in the US) and internationally.  This...
How come not everyone is an Angel Investor?
Personally, I love Angel Investing! Not only does it provide an opportunity for outsized returns (if you’re making good...
Why I no longer invest on StartEngine
A few years ago when early-stage investing (investment crowdfunding) went mainstream I was very excited and over the years...
Turo – AirBnB for Cars – Rental Experience
I knew about Turo for years, yet never had a good reason to use them instead of the Rental...
Dividend Model for Open Source Based Companies
Typical Paths for the company built around Open Source are Bootstrapping or Raising Venture Capital, or at least this...
Reflections on Risk Avoidance, Pretence and Silicon Valley Bank Failure
One thing I noticed as a new immigrant to the United States almost 20 years ago was how great...