Open Source Business Models: Open Core vs Crippled Core
Open Core is one of the very common ways to build a business around Open Source Software. It goes...
The Ignorance as a Business Model
Can Ignorance be a Business Model? Surely, especially if it is not your ignorance! Counting on ignorance is exactly...
Open Source Business Models: Professional Services
Open Source is not a Business Model, rather it can support quite a few different Business Models. In this...
Joining Coroot as Co-Founder
From my early days as a Software Engineer, I was interested in complicated systems’ internal operations, what is happening...
Open Source Perspectives
I think one reason there is so much argument about what Open Source is and what it should become...
I hate Lock-in! What you need to avoid it
If you’ve been reading my other posts you know I love Open Source… and also that I hate lock-in...
Goals and KPIs – Hard Number or Percent Growth?
Chances are you’re using KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), whenever you call them KPIs or something else, to measure your...
Maximizing and Measuring Total Value of Online Events
Online Events is a great way to engage the community allowing for establishing deeper connection than you get from...