September 04, 2023

For years, my passion has been helping Open Source Founders reach their dreams. With my commitments as Percona, CEO, I could only manage to assist through brief, informal conversations. However, since stepping down from Percona CEO role last year,  I have more time to pursue this passion. 

As such, I’m launching Strategic Consulting for Open Source Founders as a way to build deeper relationships and help your business succeed. 

A little bit about me

While I’ve worked with companies of various sizes, I believe I provide the most value to early-stage companies that look for making bold decisions and moving fast; companies aiming to stand out and challenge the status quo, those ready to take on an unfair fight against their much larger competition.

If you’re the Founder of such a company, chances are I can contribute to helping you achieve your goals faster. 

I am a Technologist and Entrepreneur who built Percona from a 2-man shop to a company with a staff of over 350 worldwide, with revenue in the tens of millions of dollars and an outstanding list of happy customers, all without resorting to external funding. Capital-efficient growth is one of my core areas of expertise and passion. 

I also assisted in starting companies like Altinity and FerretDB and helped them raise funding they required. So if you are on the path of raising venture capital, I can be of help too.

I have been educated as an Engineer and started my career as an Engineer before transitioning to be Entrepreneur and Business leader. This dual background equips me to understand both technical and business perspectives, allowing me to assist with the challenges of both aspects of the situation. I also have a very good understanding of the challenges a Technical founder faces when tasked with leading a business.

What I can help you with

I can help you with various issues ranging from product positioning, sales, and marketing to operational challenges such as working with remote teams or organizing service and engineering teams.

When it comes to Open Source, in particular, I can help you with choosing the right Open Source (or not) license strategy to match your product business model, build community around your project as well as build relationships with other related communities in the Open Source Space. 

How Does it Work

Interested in working together? Send me a message and we’ll schedule a free 1-hour consultation.

If all you need is a bit of guidance, you will get it for free with no strings attached. It’s my way of giving back and building relationships with the community.  

If you believe a deeper conversation or ongoing relationship would be beneficial, we can tailor solutions to meet your needs. 

If you’re an early-stage startup with limited cash, equity-based or delayed compensation arrangements are possible.


P.S. No, I will not help fix your database. Please direct all database-related inquiries to Percona.

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