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Open Source ? I do not like this term any more.
I’ve run into this post recently and it  really well resonates with what I was thinking a lot recently. The Open...
On a free public education
Because of Budget crisis here in California we’re getting scary letters from the School District about nasty things to...
Valentines Day Cards
Shopping for Valentines Day Cards the hardest thing is to find a card which you can actually write on. Most...
How Support is different from the Car Insurance
When I was working for MySQL some people liked to compare MySQL Support to insurance, say car insurance to...
Wikipedia for daddies
Wikipedia is a great resourse for dads of curious kids. My kid asks a lot of questions and he...
Competition and Open Source
I’m hearing some people think we at Percona are in unfair competition with Sun/MySQL.   Indeed  Sun and MySQL invest millions in...
Living in the Glass House
The modern business is highly confidential. Companies have the deals which never become public, employee may have special conditions...
What if houses were cars ?
What if people would treat houses same way as we treat cars – meaning you purchase the car, often...