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How I Fly
I fly a fair amount – both for business and for pleasure, domestically (in the US) and internationally.  This...
How come not everyone is an Angel Investor?
Personally, I love Angel Investing! Not only does it provide an opportunity for outsized returns (if you’re making good...
Thoughts on ScyllaDB License Change
As you may have heard, ScyllaDB is moving to a Source Available License. Seeing this move from so many...
Thinking Like a Banker vs Startup Investor
I played with the rather unconventional thought of viewing life choices through the mindset of startup investors and bankers....
Climbing Mt Ararat (Ağrı Dağı) – 5137m
Mount Ararat is recognized as one of the most accessible peaks above 5000 meters, particularly when ascended during the...
Ararat Rescue: Severe altitude sickness with HAPE
We had an expedition to climb Mt Ararat during which one of the climbers developed mountain sickness with HAPE...
Things I Wish I Knew Before Going on a Kenyan Safari
I recently returned from a family trip to Kenya, mostly focused on Safari, which is so famous, though we...
Running Spartan Ultra World Championship, Morzine
Last November I ran my first Spartan Ultra Race in North Carolina, so when I heard about the Ultra...