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Why I no longer invest on StartEngine
A few years ago when early-stage investing (investment crowdfunding) went mainstream I was very excited and over the years...
Evolving “Open”
It is great to see license discussions sparked by recent developments in Open Source AI Ecosystem. The value in...
Turo – AirBnB for Cars – Rental Experience
I knew about Turo for years, yet never had a good reason to use them instead of the Rental...
Personality Assessment: Culture Index
I love Personality Assessments, ones that are created with scientific backing, not the “What breed of dog are you?”...
Dividend Model for Open Source Based Companies
Typical Paths for the company built around Open Source are Bootstrapping or Raising Venture Capital, or at least this...
How much can you trust modern IT systems?
Recently, for the first time, I was denied boarding, while holding what I thought was a perfectly valid electronic...
Want to join me and other Geeks climbing Aconcagua?
Early in 2024 a group of friends and I are going to climb Aconcagua in Argentina –  the highest...
Probabilistic Approach to Risk in Life
In some circles I have a reputation of looking for trouble by pursuing reckless activities, compare me to real...