Communism in America: BART parking
I have to go to San Francisco from Pleasanton every so often and quite frequently there is no parking...
Payroll Taxes
Payroll Taxes are evil. I think they are created to confuse people and make a wrong impression. In this...
Percona Performance Conference
We announced Percona Performance Conference 2010 few days ago. We got a lot of positive feedback but also some people did...
Safety or Stupidity
In the Daycare my daugher goes to there is a rule the shoes has to be on when they...
More on Health Insurance
I finaly have watched film Sicko by Michael Moore and I honestly was very dissapointed seing things presented in such a way as...
How straight is your pricing model?
Some businesses have straight model, others advertise you extremely low prices which have nothing to do with what you...
Power of Memory
The interesting thing about US in regards of current economic conditions is most people seems not to remember any...
On Books
Couple of days ago my son asked me why people would drink or smoke. I told him some of...