Dividend Model for Open Source Based Companies
Typical Paths for the company built around Open Source are Bootstrapping or Raising Venture Capital, or at least this...
How much can you trust modern IT systems?
Recently, for the first time, I was denied boarding, while holding what I thought was a perfectly valid electronic...
Want to join me and other Geeks climbing Aconcagua?
Early in 2024 a group of friends and I are going to climb Aconcagua in Argentina – the highest...
Probabilistic Approach to Risk in Life
In some circles I have a reputation of looking for trouble by pursuing reckless activities, compare me to real...
Reflections on Risk Avoidance, Pretence and Silicon Valley Bank Failure
One thing I noticed as a new immigrant to the United States almost 20 years ago was how great...
Composer: Social Trading great idea with poor pricing model
During the last few years there has been a lot of innovation happening in Fintech and I enjoy experimenting...